At Southern California Equestrian Sports, we are committed to developing equestrian competitors and competitions at the national and international level. We offer grants in all seven of the FEI recognized sports – Combined Driving, Endurance, Eventing, Dressage, Reining, Show Jumping & Vaulting.
We are a 501(c) 3 tax exempt, non-profit public foundation. This means all donations are fully tax deductible to the extent of the law.
Once a rider, or competition, has been accepted, a restricted account will be set up for them with SCES. The rider/competition is expected to conduct their own fundraising efforts with the benefit of tax deductibility to all donors. Donations can be made by check, credit card (through Paypal) or wire transfer. A 6% administrative fee is deducted from each donation as well as any applicable credit card or transfer fee.
Each rider/competition will submit an annual budget projection to SCES. As funds accumulate, reimbursement requests can then be submitted to SCES.
Each rider must certify that he/she meet one of the eligibility requirements below:
Eligibility by Accomplishment – Dressage Riders who have earned their USDF Silver medal. Eventing Riders who have placed in the top 25% of a CIC or CCI competition within 4 years of the date of application. Others, similar level of accomplishments within your discipline.
Eligibility by Reference – Riders who do not meet the accomplishment requirements, may be accepted if they furnish a letter stating their goals over the next year. They also must submit two letters of recommendation from fellow riders and/or coaches stating that the applicant has the drive, potential and ambition to compete at the international level. Most applicants should be competing successfully at the Preliminary level or above for Eventing, at Bronze level for Dressage or the relevant discipline equivalent recognized by USEF.
The President and Treasurer, in agreement with the Board, will be allowed to give grants to riders that have demonstrated proficiency in national and international equestrian sports. Rider’s achievement in such competition in the last calendar year is one criteria for the awarding of a grant.
All riders will be evaluated without regard to race, sex, religion, age, physical or mental health or national origin.
The competition must be recognized or licensed by the appropriate governing body for the discipline.
Eligibility Guidelines
Rider Application
Rider Reimbursement Request Form
Rider Reimbursement Information Sheet
Annual Budget Grant Request
Sponsor Information Sheet
Competition Application
Competition Sponsor Information Sheet
Competition Reimbursement Information Sheet
Competition Special Grant Request
Rider Special Grant Request
Competition Reimbursement Request Form
Competiton Annual Budget Form